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Forums: Acceptable Use and Privacy Policies

Acceptable Use Policy
Observe the following rules when posting to the forums. Violation of these rules will result in one of the three following actions: an administrative warning, a temporary account suspension, a permanent account suspension and/or ip address ban.

  1. No off-color space-hampster jokes. Please moderate your posts to be "PG-13" in their content; suitable for an audience of 13 year old kids.
  2. Respect the requests of all moderators and forum staff.
  3. Be civil. Respect and be courteous to other members of public forums and topics.
  4. No advertisements of a commercial purpose. No links to "warez" or other copyright violating material. Spamming the boards will not be tolerated and will result in suspension of all accounts and an IP ban. Advertisements of personal or reference websites are welcomed when presented in a meaningful context.
  5. When including copyrighted material as part of a post please quote its source. Use the minimal sample of copyrighted material necessary to communicate your message.
  6. Please do not post "troll" or "bait" messages to the forums. These are inflammatory statements designed to create a negative response from the forum community.
  7. No conduct of a criminal nature. This includes, but is not limited to, use of the forums to make arrangements for criminal activities, soliciting underaged visitors of the forums, or use of the forums to share material which you do not have a right to share.
  8. Please restrain yourself from posting "me too" posts which do not otherwise contribute to the conversation. This isn't typically a punitive offense, it's just common courtesy.

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All text content of the Forums are copyright © of their respective authors, dated their creation as noted in the forums. Content published by members entitled Randy and Sulerin are copyright © Randy Bowers, dated their creation as noted in the forums or where a creation date is absent then copyright © 2005, 2025 Randy Bowers. Except where specifically noted, all content artwork included in a posting are copyright © their respective creator.
    By posting to the forums of you grant and its owner license to use all or any part of your post excepting any portion for which a prior dated copyright exists which you do not own. Use of material includes in print, on the internet, derivative creations thereof, or in any other published or broadcast medium. Originating authors will be credited when appropriate., its owner, and moderators of these forums do not have a duty to modify or withdraw content made available on these forums. Regulation of forum content is done solely at the discretion of its owner and moderators.

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Questions and Concerns
Should you have any questions or concerns about information contained within the forums, the activities of forum guests and members, our forums Acceptable Use Policy, or regarding our forums Privacy Policy then please contact a forum administrator at with the words "Sulerin Forums" in the subject line. Emails which do not contain this text will not be delivered.