Orb of Souls Thought to have been crafted by a powerful undead ruler, this orb has passed
through numerous evil ruler's hands, where it has been used to solidify their
tyrannical rule. The orb is roughly six inches in diameter and wreathed
constantly with ethereal flames of pure white. It uses the power of the souls
trapped within it to fuel its abilities. To be used it must be held in a bare,
uncovered hand. While wielded in hand the orb grants the following abilities
to the creature which holds it:
- +4 enhancement bonus to Charisma. The force of the personalities within the
orb add to the wielders own presence.
- +4 deflection bonus to AC. The souls of contained within the orb provide
a spiritual shield about the wielder, protecting them from harm. This also
causes the wearer's armor to become ghost touched.
- Any creature slain by the bearer of the orb must make a Will save (DC 24) or
their soul is trapped (as the 8th level spell, trap the soul) within th orb.
The orb of souls can contain up to 100 souls.
- As a standard action, the orb bearer can call forth 1d4 specters from the
orb and command them as though they were summoned. Specters which are slain while
performing a service in this matter are freed from the control of the orb. Each
use of the orb in this manner has a 1% chance per spectre released of releasing
all of the specters within the orb. This chance is cumulative for each use
of the orb in a 24 hour period. If release en masse in this manner, the specters
spend one minute attacking all living creatures within 100 feet of the orb before
disappearing into the afterlife. Specters spawned from the orb do not create
spawn, but creature's slain by them risk becoming spiritually trapped within
the orb. If emptied, the orb loses all powers but for its soul-trapping ability.
Magical Aura: Strong necromancy;
Caster Level: 25th
Weight: 5 lbs.