Creation Domain
Source: Defenders of the Faith
Deities: Arden, Brakah.
Granted Power: Cast Conjuration (creation) spells at +2 caster levels.
Creation Domain Spells 1 Create Water. Creates 2 gallons/level of pure water.PHB 2 Minor Image. As silent image, plus some sound.PHB 3 Create Food and Water. Feeds three humans (or one horse)/level.PHB 4 Minor Creation. Creates one cloth or wood object.PHB 5 Major Creation. As minor creation, plus stone and metal.PHB 6 Heroes' Feast. Food for one creature/level cures and blesses.PHB 7 Permanent Image. Includes sight, sound, and smell.PHB 8 True Creation. As major creation, but permanent.DotF, CDiv 9 Genesis. Creates a pocket demiplane.DotF