Artifice Domain
Source: Deities and Demigods
Deities: Brakah.
Granted Power: Gain +4 bonus on Craft checks. You cast conjuration (creation) spells at +1 caster level. (Those with access to both the Artifice and Creation domains cast conjuration [creation] spells at +3 caster level.)
Artifice Domain Spells 1 Animate Rope. Makes a rope move at your command.PHB 2 Wood Shape. Rearranges wooden objects to suit you.PHB 3 Stone Shape. Sculpts stone into any form.PHB 4 Minor Creation. Creates one cloth or wood object.PHB 5 Fabricate. Transforms raw materials into finished items.PHB 6 Major Creation. As minor creation, plus stone and metal.PHB 7 Hardening. Increases target objects hardness by 1/2 caster levels.MoF, D&D 8 True Creation. As major creation, but permanent.DotF, CDiv 9 Prismatic Sphere. As prismatic wall, but surrounds on all sides.PHB