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The Haruninki are a race of humanoids which may be used for player characters. For additional information regarding this race, read their entry in the creature compendium.
    Haruninki (informal: Haruchi) are known for their skill as hunters, logicians, for their physical heartiness, and for their sense of honor. All Haruninki originate from the "Homeland" - a vast land in the tropical re.g.ions of the far west. Separated there by a barrier of mountains from the rest of the world, the Haruninki maintain a rigid society where there is little room for foreigners.


Haruninki pride themselves on a calm and rational demeanor. They are extremely loyal to their friends and do not stand idly by while another of their kind or a friend is slighted. This might seem to contrast with their cool attitude, but to watch a Haruchi master of martial arts in combat reveals quite otherwise. The movements of a skilled Haruninkian martial artist are serene and deceptively peaceful. Combat is a common way to settle differences in Haruninkian society and dueling is encouraged among the young as an acceptable practice. Such combat is leaves more psychological scars than physical ones and is an essential part of the Haruninki way of honor. Haruninki are a determined race, ever seeking to prove themselves worthy of their peers and of their friends. They are industrial and traditional, preferring to do things the "old" way as taught by their ancestors. Ancestry is as important to a Haruninki as their honor and all Haruninki share the belief that it is their ancestors, known as "The Elders" who will pass judgement upon them when they pass on from this world and into the next, thus determining their position and prestige in the afterlife. Haruninki don't expect other races to meet their high standards of honor, but they expect at least a passable effort from their companions and those who visit their homeland or dwellings.

Physical Description

Haruninki, stand about as tall as an elf, but rather than the soft flowing features which Elves possess, the Haruninki have a very strong and solid appearance and typically possess a rugged, square jawed, and a well muscled frame of a body. Haruninki typically stand four and one-half to five and one-half feet tall. Roll 54+2d6 for height in inches of male or female Haruninki. Most Haruninki have a sandy blond or light brown hair, the same can be said for their complexion. As they age they only get more rugged looking. Fine lines carved by wind and dust only make their faces and bodies harder like stone. Their women are as beautiful as they are rare, possessing the same natural athletic form as their male counterparts. Haruninki are usually slightly heavier than elves but less so than an average human. Haruninki prefer to be clean shaven and are not allowed facial hair in the Homeland - an item which can only be lawfully had by their priest-like leaders. Haruninki are naturally fare skinned, but by adolescence have gained a leathery brown tan.
    Most Haruninki are considered adults after their 35th birthday. Haruchi tend to live 215 to 250 years. When rolling starting age roll 2d4+33. When rolling maximum age limit, use 5d8+210. Haruninki are considered middle age at 116 years, old aged at 167 years, and venerable at 210 years.


Though Haruninki are strongly ethnocentric and isolated from the rest of the world, there is still a significant amount of trade that passes between their lands and those elsewhere. Haruninki get along well with humans who conduct themselves in an honorable manner and some humans even make their homes in their Homeland. However, Haruninki recognize that ambition often runs far stronger than honor or ethics in humans. Human's are respected for their innovativeness and productivity, but considered awkward for their larger size and reckless for their loose ties to tradition. Halflings, Elves, and Dwarves are welcome companions as they are all less changeable than humans. The Haruninki have strong ties with Dwarves due to both the presence of dwarven strongholds in the mountains bordering the Homeland and because of the work and honor ethic that both races share. Many are surprised with how well the two races get along, especially considering that the Haruninki have a patent dislike for all other underground dwelling races. Elves often find Haruninki to be too serious to have genuine fun with, but respect the race for it's sense of tradition. One could not discuss Haruninki relations without mentioning the Silothreni - a race said to have ancient descendent ties to the Haruninki but is greatly despised and hated due to historical feuds and betrayals. The Haruninki rarely ever have contact with the Oruli or Lupinal. Of the former, the Haruninki would probably find the humor of the Oruli tiresome, despite the same strong sense of loyalty and tradition had by both races. Of the latter, the Haruninki would treat as servants. In the Homeland, creatures known as Husti, said to be distant relations of the Lupinal, are born and live as a servile race to the Haruninki. Needless to say, the Lupinal do not approve highly of this.


Haruninki are usually lawful and they tend toward an impartial view of good and evil. More important than good and evil, to a Haruninki, is the concept of honor. Adventurer Haruninki are less likely to follow these traditions of alignment, but the greater their deviation, the more difficult they will find it to fit into their native society. In the extreme case they may even find themselves as outcasts, cut off from their own families.

Haruninkian Lands

Haruninki inhabit and form their society in what is known as the Homeland. These lands are tropical and arid, possessing both jungle, savanna, and desert. Towns are kept small, though the great and colossal cities of the Haruninki do exist. These places are self-reliant centers of population and commerce, functioning as capital lands for the scattered provinces of the Homeland. No new great cities have been formed in millennia, not since the sundering of the Sultan - a le.g.endary time when the races of the Haruninki and Silothreni were the same race and then split into two by the actions of the Elders and feuds in ancient Sultan society (as the Haruninki were called in those times). These cities were placed at centers of great magical or religious significance.


The Haruninki believe that upon death they will be judged by their ancestors, whom will decide their place in the afterlife. These ancestors are known collectively as "The Elders". The Haruninki to not worship the Elders, but are intensely mindful of what they perceive to be their will. The Elders rarely demonstrate their power and to many outsiders to Haruninkian society it would seem that the Elders are little more than a story. The Haruninki maintain though that their presence is real and because of this there exist special pieces of land through-out the Haruninkian Homeland which are forbidden to mortal passage or which require certain observations to be followed to ensure safe passage and proper respect to the Elders whose spirits dwell there. There also exists the Unsultanlan, a caste of priests whose duty it is to perceive the desires of the Elders and thus guide the Haruninkian society appropriately. The Unsultanlan are also the keepers of the Haruninkian written history and other mystical documents, devoting their lives to the study, interpretation, and learning of these ancient texts. Player characters cannot become Unsultanlan, nor be descended from one as the Unsultanlan keep no families.
    Haruninki follow a code of social honor (Pah) and shame (Tor). Actions done by the Haruninki and acknowledged by their peers affirm the accumulation of either one or the other. Naturally, it is better to have more of the first. In Haruninkian society there is no reduction of Pah or Tor, only the accumulation of each, the greater quantity of which will determine their destiny in the afterlife and also affect their social standing while amongst the living.


Haruninki speak Haruninkian, a language of blunt consonants and flowing vowels. There exists a written equivalent, however except for household leaders, first sons, and social or religious leaders, most Haruninki are illiterate. Haruninkian literature is full of legends and the study of a vast assortment of spiritual, physical, and social issues. Haruninki do not believe in the writing of fiction works or in the act of reading for pleasure. Writing, to the Haruninki, is a means of communication and preservation of the truth. Despite their illiteracy, many Haruninki can speak at least one passable dwarven dialect and often a nearby human language as well.


A successful Haruninki who has gathered great Pah (honor) will also accumulate a variety of names. Each new name given is a mark of that Haruninki's accomplishments and one can rate how close one is to a Haruninki by how old the name you are allowed to use when addressing them. A Haruninki takes a new name when they see it to be appropriate or if given by a leader in the society. Social acceptance of the Haruninki's name affirms his right to such an honor. Social denial of such a name is considered an accumulation of Tor (shame) which must be overcome by greater honor. When referring to a teacher, or someone whose cast is above yours, it is proper to add the suffix "Aman" to whichever name of theirs you address them by. Single syllable names are uncommon - often only used in legends of heroes. Male names never possess the vowel "o" and female names never possess the vowel "a" and usually end with a soft consonant or vowel sound. Common male names are Hurat, Teraut, Sudg'den, Sharauw, Emmen, Uk'tauwle, Dalunaun, and Q'alamaen. Common female names are Shieleen, Oserun, Yeruune, Oeule, Leniki, Hesetchi, Itemi, Meshileff, Hruni, Tu'en, and Se'eriley.


A Haruninkian adventurer may be motivated by the potential "Pah" to be gained through adventuring accomplishments, out of a desire to escape from the rigid society of their peers, or as a way to escape or repay "Tor" that they have accumulated. Overcoming chaos and evil in the world, the gathering of powers, the mastery of martial skills, the renown of a lifestyle which overcomes challenge, and the tales brought home from adventure are all ways for a Haruninki to gain respect from their peers and reasons to seek out adventure on the open road. Most Haruninki find a place in society rather than adventure, and in the later years of an adventuring Haruninki's lifetime, there will probably be pressure from family and society to return to the Homeland and take one's expected place.

Haruninkian Racial Traits

  • +2 Constitution, -2 Charisma: Haruninki are naturally athletic, but rigidly traditional and emotionally reserved.
  • Medium-size: As medium-sized creatures, Haruninki have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
  • Haruninkian base speed is 30 feet.
  • Low-light Vision: Haruninki can see twice as far as humans can in starlight, moonlight, torchlight, and similar states of illumination. They retain the ability to distinguish color and detail under these conditions.
  • +2 racial bonus to Listen, Move Silently, Spot, and Survival. Haruninki are trained from an early age to survive and hunt in the wilderness. These bonuses reflect this childhood training and a natural predisposition to excel in these areas.
  • Haruninki receive the Weapon Focus feat for daggers and shortspears. Haruninki are trained from an early age in these weapons use for hunting and self-defense. All haruninki are proficient with the dagger and short spear.
  • Direction Sense: Haruninki receive a +4 racial bonus to Survival checks made avoid becoming lost. All Haruninki have a natural sense of true north which they can use to assist them in navigation while traveling. A Haruninki knows the direction of true north as naturally as a human knows up from down.
  • Automatic Languages: Haruninkian and either one dwarven or human language. Bonus Languages: Any humanoid languages that are not of a secret society (e.g.: thieves cant, druidic, etc).
  • +1 racial bonus to all saving throws: Haruninki are a sturdy, naturally healthy, and athletic race. This allows them to better weather and survive situations which require a saving throw.
  • Favored Class: Monk. Haruninki May freely multi-class as a monk, ignoring restrictions that prevent the advancement of monk levels upon raising of other class levels. Haruninki may not be sorcerers. Haruninki who choose to be priests or who are wizards risk exclusion and even banishment from Haruninkian society. Wizardry and the pursuit of religions other than reverence for the Elders are considered dishonorable and socially unacceptable professions for a Haruninki. The gift of sorcery does not appear in the blood of the Haruninki - see the story of the Breaking of the Sultan.