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Crown of Souls: Part 5 - Loren's Notes

The Crown appears to be more than just a powerful magical item, I have heard long of it before it's presence ever came to me. From what I have gathered, many sages believe it to be an artifact, such is the scope of its power. This means that the Crown has the potential to alter destiny to its needs to achieve its works, though how undetectable such a thing is from one such as I or others kept in the present.
    From what I have been able to gather, the Crown was fashioned by an evil Necromancer by the name of Daglan for a powerful warlord of the Eastern Empire, I remember his stories well. In order to safeguard the secrets of the crown the warlord used the Crone to slay the Necromancer (or so he thought, see below). With the death of Daglan the knowledge of how to destroy the object was lost, though I have performed some experiments to determine that as well (see below).
    On the eve of one of the warlords battles his plans went astray. While traveling a back country trail with his entourage his party was ambushed by creatures of some nature. In the course of the short battle, the warlord was unhorsed and the crown fell from his brow and into the nearby bushes. After the short skirmish though try as he might, the Crown had vanished, though he searched for weeks and far and wide. How then the Crown, though irrelevant as far as I can discern, came to Radaga is a mystery to me still. If only she was not at odds with Domini then I might share my research with her to learn more of its nature.
    It seems that Daglan was gifted in more than magic and that he possessed some manner of future sight. Apparently he foresaw the Warlords treachery and infused part of his spirit into the Crown with some variant of the Magic Jar spell, thought he exact nature is unknown to me since its complexity is beyond my skill yet. I suspected, due to the similarity to the Magic Jar spell, that Daglan might be able to influence those who wear the item, though my research indicates otherwise thus far as I have suffered no ill effects from wearing it myself, neither has Domini and apparently neither did the Warlord that slew Daglan with the Crown; so perhaps I am wrong in that guess.
    During my research into the nature of the Magic Jar like spell I have discovered that there appears to be another spirit entrapped within the Crown. Perhaps the being which Daglan originally used to create the item or perhaps something else. The longevity of the spirit is such though that I suspect it is elvin, yet too short to be immortal. There seems to be a struggle between the two spirits within the crown though there is no end that I can see to either winning over the other. Perhaps the force of the two struggling is what fuels the Crowns malevolence. Strangely enough, while exploring the nature of the Crown and the history of Daglan and his descendent, there seems to be some parallel between the deaths of Daglan's descendants and the realization of the Crown's purpose, as well as a growth in power within the Crown. What the Crown's true purpose is I do not yet understand though I have an idea concerning it which I hesitate to put to paper.
    The Crown has an assortment of powers which I have thus discerned, though I am sure there are more but I need more time to explore the twists in its magical construction before I can identify them. Apparently the Crown bears the power to transform normal men or other man-like creatures into a hideous carnivore that appears to be related to the Goblin, though much much more cunning and hearty. I myself was unable to enact this power as I had not solved the incantation which engaged the power, however, much to my surprise, I was still able to witness it's effects. Last evening Domini and I took the Crown down to the Cages where we chose a doomed patient, quite insane and terminally incurable, Domini insisted we attempt the power upon one of them for the sake of research. Now, though I had been unable to recreate the secret incantation myself, Domini apparently already knew it and engaged it upon one of the creatures. He was quite silent in it's employment though and I could not over hear the words of the incantation over the shrieks of pain of the afflicted that he used the item upon. I wonder if he already possesses some knowledge of the Crown, perhaps something he read in his vast library. There are yet books in there I have not been able to decipher and I know his gift for languages.
    Whilst wearing the Crown myself I noticed some very pleasant benefits resulting from its employment. With it donned on my brow I immediately felt more confident of my abilities and my actions showed a sureness which was unnatural and beyond my normal abilities. I imagine these powers would have aided the warlord in his battle prowess greatly. But it was not just my senses that were enhanced, but I could feel a powerful vitality surge though me as well, my breath comming easier and an acute awareness of my surroundings I had not possessed without it. Specifically I also noticed an increased resistance to poisons which I inflicted upon my person while wearing the Crown. Much to my delight, while wearing the Crown I was able to research things with ease which previously had caused me much difficulty, likewise spells which had once been more difficult in my repetoire suddenly were not as difficult as before and I suspect I may even be able to research things normally beyond my understanding while wearing the Crown.
    Finally, while researching possible ways to destroy the item and gain further insight into its making I noticed the Crown is able to extinguish fires brought upon it. Likewise, when I subjected it to a field of Disintegration the Crown vanished and appeared outside of it elsewhere in the room. Apparently the Crown possesses several powers to aid it in it's preservation.
    I am eager to pursue my research into the Crowns other Powers yet undiscovered, but the adventurers have made treachery and broke into the keeps rear compound recently so I must set about the keep bolstering its defences before I can continue my studies. A pain to be sure but worth the effort if it means conducting my research in security.