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Answers of Vainegal thal-Zeroth

These are the answers given to questions posed to Vainegal, one of the Three of Shadow who once served the wizard king Saulos, by the adventuring troupe. Surely, Vainegal has his own goals, but it would appear that this time they coincide with the party's. Thus much of what is written here may be considered true.

Is Saulos Alive?
    I very much doubt that Saulos is alive. He probably dwells in some state of undeath. When one is willing to give and do anything to advance one's personal power, giving up one's life is fairly small in comparisons to other sacrifices. His power was such that I can still feel it if I let my mind quest out today. What that says about his present state of existence I do not know, but I maintain the same cautionary measures now as I did then to protect myself from his hungers and manipulations. I am no longer interested in the same pursuits as he, not now as I was then.

Do you know what happened to Kaug?
    Unlike Aoran, I doubt Kaug had the presence of mind to make alternative plans should Saulos' consume Kaug with in his bid for divinity. He probably still lairs in his ruined lands, a terrible monster of mindless hunger. I cannot touch his mind any longer.

Have you learned anything about other locations Titalus is searching for these disks of Qo?
    I would not tempt fate by using divinations upon Titalus, lest its fell gaze be called to me. I know that at least my key was borne out of the Kingdom of Saul, for I orchestrated this event long before I was bound into torpor. My divinations reveal that it has been long since its hidden place was disturbed, likely by adventurers such as yourselves. Surely they did not realize the value of what they found. My key, as the others also have, comes with a powerful curse to any who would carry it. I am sure a terrible fate befell them as the power of the curse changed them, so it could not have been taken very far. I tell you this: there is no denying when one has one of the true disks. It is unmistakable to one who knows their secret properties. Though I will not share this knowledge with you for surely Titalus seeks it as well. Fewer lips to speak of such things are fewer to bring danger to me. The resting place of Kaug's key is almost certainly within one of his many Palaces. Few of Titalus' minions would dare enter the lands of Saul, except perhaps the Shel-Tuul. As to Aoran, one can only guess where he may have secreted it away for he is very cunning. I would guess it is not far from where he last focused his power.

What do you think happened to Aoran, once his form was banished from this plane?
    Aoran consorted with many demons and undead in the foulest and most vile of fashions. He gave his body as a plaything, he toyed with his soul and portioned it out in return for favors, all for power over others in this world. I would not be the least bit surprised to learn that Aoran was an agent of Titalus. His soul may be bound for a time in other realms, but surely he will return to this world for he is chained here in a fashion which I cannot describe. He cannot be truly banished from where he is native, that I do know, it is only that which he traded for demonic essence which allowed you to be rid of him at all. I wonder.... if he was ever able to shrug off the chains of Saulos by trading so much of his soul away....

Do you know anything about the Hall of Kings that may be of use?
    Ah, the Hall of Kings. It was built upon paradox and so within you will find a great many opposites which vie with each other. There is wealth which cannot be spent. There is the greatest of lights trapped in the darkest of darkness. There do spirits dwell that can never be lain to rest, though rest is all that they crave. It is one of both mortal-kinds greatest accomplishments and greatest travesties. And, if you seek deep enough, perhaps you will even find your own opposites.
    Do not be discouraged, for I did not say that all wealth within could not be taken. I merely suggest that you beware that everything within there comes at a cost, and sometimes the price is subtle. Even knowledge is not without its demands. You would do well to remember that, as is true for most empires, the true treasures are not placed upon the table for all to see.
    Surely you have read the ancient tomes of its construction and know already the hazards of its approach, so I need not speak of that. But did you know that swords cooled in its dark pool have slain gods? Did you know that those who dwell in there would have counted themselves as deities in their own time?
    It is, in a sense, quite aptly named. It is a hallway between worlds; the world which you dwelt in before entering therein, and the world which you will dwell in having departed. The world may seem the same, but you will not be. It would not hurt for you to perhaps read a bit of history, so that should you run across a spirit of one of the Kings, you are better prepared to treat with them. Ah... and do not be in the Hall of Kings by nightfall, for its spirits are more active when night comes and the ways out become closed.

What do you know about the Anvil Gate?
    What would you like to know? I built it. Ah, when it was first erected it was not meant to be a gate solely to the Nether Realms as it is now, its powers are greater than that. You must obtain the secret words to its closure from whoever has them, perhaps Titalus, if you seek to close it. There is no other way. These words were stolen from me in my torpor, so I no longer possess them. They are magical words and only one creature can know them at a time. They will need to be taken back from whoever has them now before the gate can again be closed.

What would you do once your lands were restored to you and your key-disk under your control?
    Should you find my Key before I do, let us talk then when you are in a position for such information. Suffice to say that my ambitions do not require the suffering of so many mortals; not as those of Titalus surely do.

There are many options ahead of us, of where we should go from here. We have thought of going to the Hall of Kings in search of more powerful magic. We have also considered Dunnal Krannok and the Lost Aken Halls for the same reasons. Though it might be foolhardy, we believe that sooner or later we must travel to the Tower of Saul. Then there is also the Anvil Gate, which you say leads to the realms of Titalus. We may find valuable answers at the Oracle of the Ardent Swamps, though some of my companions would rather travel a bit further northwest and to the courts of the Imperial Palace of Greentree. Perhaps it would just be best if you sent us to the edge of the Darkenwood. What do you say?
    I can send you near to the Hall of Kings. It is impossible to send you within a days travel without perilous risk to your well being because of the concentration of magics there. As to these "lost" Aken Halls, I presume you mean the great dwarven halls by those names. In my day they were not lost as they may be now. I have been to this place before and could save you a month of travel were you to go there on foot. The legends of Dunnal Kranok are too vague for me to send you directly there and I know of may places where stones have fallen from the heavens to this world. Indeed, I may be older than Dunnal Kranok. Though your other options are surely dangerous, my sending you to the Tower of Saul is perhaps the most so. I would hesitate to send you to certain death, if I could even give you such direct entry to his sanctum, but perhaps you would stand a chance of penetrating his defenses were I to send you somewhere nearby. I can easily send you to the Anvil Gate, though I think you unprepared to travel through and take the key needed to close it from Titalus just yet. In time, when you have amassed more power, perhaps I can send you there. I would expect Titalus to have placed wards to guard against magical transportation directly to the gate itself, but I know many places nearby. I know of the Oracle of the Ardent Swamps, for it was even legendary in my own time. Yes, I can send you to its entrance, but not within for there are ancient magics that protect it. Still, it is but a short and fairly unguarded journey from the entrance of its cave to the oracle itself. Other such mundane destinations, such as the Imperial Palace, would be a waste of my offer, but I could send you there.

If we allow you to send us with your magic, to wherever we desire, some of us believe that you will consider this to be their favors of long ago called in. Favors they would rather save for another time. Is this so?
    Am I so want for mistrust? As you have treated with me, so shall I return to you. Surely, I would speak so if I thought sending you about were a burden worthy of repayment for that which was done for me so long ago. Too, there are new members to your party - should I call in favors upon them for sending them about in your company? No. I make this offer to you because I believe it to be to the benefit of all, and it does not tax me to make such an offer. If you later choose to approach me in request of the favor I promised, you will still find me willing to give it.