Called the Goddess of the Waters, the Traveler, Emmor, and the Mother of the Moon. Chishleen's portfolio includes aspects of elemental water, tranquility, passion, emotions, passage, travelers, commerce, weather, trade, denizens of the sea, the moon, and navigation.
Domains: Animal, Beastmaster*, Celerity*, Chaos, Good, Missionary, Summoning*, Sun, Travel, Water, Weather
*This is a prestige domain.
Chishleen (Intermediate Deity) |
Symbol: A half-filled teardrop (as might be worn on a pendant), a crescent moon (as might adorn the top of a staff), a silver compass or sextant, or any one of these upon a silver coin. |
Home Plane: The Waterwrack of the Elemental Vortex |
Alignment: Chaotic Good |
Portfolio: Elemental water, weather, peace and passion, tides, passage and travel, commerce and trade, denizens of the sea, navigation |
Worshipers: Merchants, travelers, ship crews, fishermen, good-aligned aquatic creatures, lovers, druids. |
Cleric Alignments: Chaotic Good, Chaotic Neutral, Neutral Good |
Domains: Animal, Beastmaster*, Celerity*, Chaos, Good, Missionary, Summoning*, Sun, Travel, Water, Weather *This is a prestige domain. |
Favored Weapon: Flail, Trident, or Net |
Favored Colors: Blue and Silver |
Alternate Names: Goddess of the Waters, The Traveler, Emmor, Mother of the Moon, and Mistress of the Coin.
To the elves, Chishleen is known as Maglagail, the "Fickle Weather Drover"
(Tenerthor); Koulla, the "Queen of the Deep"
(Selere); Aenanisdien, "Breath of the Sky"
Among the halflings, Chishleen is called Vinya (The Harvest Waif), but the goddess is also known as
Narforn (The Cloud Walker).
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World of Sulerin